Friday, January 22, 2010

Snatch Skill Work #2

I showed up to CFR this morning not feeling so great. I think it was the combination of working nights and having a busy morning run that gave me a dull headache. Then seeing the dentist right after work may have made my headache worse. It felt worse on the drive to CFR. So, I took some ibprofen and waited. I started to go away after a few minutes. I started late but I still did the workout.
Because I just got off nights, I wanted to take it easy.
  • Muscle Snatch @ 65% - scaled to 45lbs 3x3
  • Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1
  • Snatch High Pull @ 105% - 85lbs 3x3
Those muscle snatches are harder than they look. I was supposed to do 52lbs but I just couldn't get it over my head.
Mini Metcon:
3 rounds for time:
  • 5 Power Clean @ 80% of Tuesday max - 73lbs
  • 10 High Box Jumps - 24"
Those box jumps sure didn't feel so great on my knees after the first round but I still finished with a good time.
Day 2 of Week 2 of 100 Push-up Challenge
14-16-12-12-17 (90 second rest between sets)
There was actually a second metcon as well, 150 burpees for time to be done in 3 hours. I decided to sleep instead.

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