Monday, January 25, 2010

Back Squats and One More Week of Paleo

I started out my workout day by doing the 100 Push-up Exhaustion Test in the afternoon. The website asks to reevaluate what your max good form push-ups is. I ended up doing 26. I'm quite happy with that number.
Paul and I went to the base and did the ComTeam WOD:
  • Back Squats 5-5-5 @ 82-87%
  • BS 3-3-3 @ 88-93%
  • 30 Towel Pull-ups - subbed for 3 rope climbs (Should have been 15 pull-ups for each rope climb but the first 5 were quite a struggle)
  • Deadlifts 5 + 10lbs - 195lbs
Day 1 of Week 3 of 100 Push-up Challenge:
14-18-14-14-20 (60 second rest in between sets)
I don't know if it was because I didn't bring my oly shoes or if I just didn't have the energy, but those back squats were tough. Not just the back squats but the towel pull-ups as well. It was the first time I had tried them. It was mainly the grip that was the most difficult part.
It seems strange that I only got sore after the workout tonight. I did 150 push-ups on Saturday and would usually start to feel sore Sunday evening. When I woke up this morning, I wasn't sore. I don't know if it's the paleo eating or the challenge but it feels great.
Speaking of paleo, I have one more week until I am able to reintroduce the foods I used to eat. I'm not going to gorge on anything. Heck, I don't even know what the first thing I want to eat is. I did have the dreams and the occasional cravings. However, I don't know if it's because I don't want to eat it or if there is just so much I want to eat I can not decide. It doesn't matter anyhow. I'm almost there!

1 comment:

  1. I did the 100pu program last year... I made it to week 6 but I kept having to redo week 6 because I couldn't seem to make the max's. So the best I got was like 75pu.
    Good on' ya!
