Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"Games Day"

The WOD focused mainly on strength.
  • Back Squats 5-5-5 @ 80-85% - 125lbs
  • Back Squats 3-3-3 @ 86-91% - 135lbs
  • Deadlifts 5 @ 75% - 165lbs
  • Weight Pull-ups 3 x 5-8
I haven't tried weighted pull-ups yet. So I decided to work on deadhang pull-ups. The last time I tried, I was able to do 2 deadhang pull-ups before as a warm up and that was it. I couldn't do it again in that time period. Today, I was able to do 2 for each set. Yay! After the two, I would do the remaining 3 as negatives.
Great strength workout today. Today is day 3 and my body is definitely feeling it. I'm glad tomorrow is a rest day but I might make it an active rest day and work on my double-unders again. :)


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's happy today is a rest day!

  2. Julie, just wanted to let you know I found and bookmarked your new blog. Keep up the good work!
