Monday, November 1, 2010


GROKtober is done and I can live 80/20. It went pretty well compared to strict Paleo in January. Keeping the dairy must have helped. Not like we had a whole lot of dairy in the first place; cream in the coffee, occasional latte and yogurt when I was on nights.
I think because this was my second time cutting out grains, my body was aware of it. I didn't eat a whole lot of grains after I did Paleo. So it wasn't a total shock when I cut it out all together. Sugar wasn't hard to cut out. I've always found certain things to be too sweet for me. I used to get one cream and one sugar in my coffee. I cut out sugar and about a month ago, I was given the wrong cup of coffee. I took a sip and it was so sweet. I knew there was sugar in it. I tried to ignore it and kept drinking. I eventually gave up after a couple more sips. I just couldn't handle it.

So I weighed myself this morning, stepped on the scale...116lbs. Didn't believe it. Stepped on it again, 116. Damn. Again, didn't expect that. I didn't really expect to lose a lot of weight this time around. However, like I said, it could be that I'm not training has hard as I had been in the past.

Tonight, Paul and I will be going to Unparalleled for some Olympic Lifting. Should be fun. Work on my form so I don't mess up my back again. :)

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