Friday, April 16, 2010

Power Snatch, Power Cleans & Petranek Fitness Test

First couple days back at CFR...
Wednesday, April 14:
Power Snatch 3-3-3-3

Friday, April 16:
Today was a day of PRs!!
Power Cleans 3-3-3-3

I got a 5lbs PR on the power clean but I just wasn't fast enough to get under 125.  I'm super close to getting a BW power clean.

Petranek Fitness Test:
  • 500m Row - 2:01!
  • 40 Squats
  • 30 Sit-ups
  • 20 Push-ups
  • 10 Pull-ups
Last August was when I first did the Petranek fitness test and got 7:20. I got sub 7 minutes so I'm happy.
I think I will soon be able to break the 2 minute mark for the 500m row. I had my rower set to 5 until Crystal told us she puts hers to 7. It's a harder pull but you get more distance. I tried it out and wow! I finally got my pace to under 2 minutes. I didn't think the pull was any harder than at a lower setting.

This was my first met-con back at CFR. My lungs, arms and legs were just burning. Oh well, it does happen after taking two weeks off.

1 comment:

  1. Great to have you back, Julie! And right back to some PRs too! Way to go!!
