Monday, April 26, 2010


Cleans 3-3-3-1-1-1
65-85-95-105-115 (PR)-120 (PR)- 125F

Cleans felt really good. I've done a max clean & jerk but not just cleans. My max C&J was 105 back in November and that may not have been a full squat clean. I'm happy with my 15lb PR. Robin wanted me to try 125lbs (bodyweight) but it wasn't happening. I did three attempts and just stopped. Oh well, two PRs is good enough.

For time:
  • 30 Box Jumps - 20"
  • 10 Pull-ups
  • 30 Box Jumps
  • 20 Pull-ups
  • 30 Box Jumps
  • 30 Pull-ups
As rx'd: 12:11
I had a goal of sub 14 minutes. Katrina Burton had a time of 3:37. Um yeah, not even close. I watched the video and she did most of it unbroken. She stopped once to chalk up for her last set of pull-ups. I wish I were put in gymnastics as a kid.
First workout back after a week off. I need to get back into it if I plan on competing on May long. It's not too far away and I have a lot of work to do. We'll see if this big break was a good idea or not...

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