Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"We Meet Again"

It got worse in the evening (Taken from LeaderPost.com)
Sure was an ugly day to go out. Today was the first snow fall of the season. It turned out to be a blizzard. I wasn't sure how many people were going to turn out for the WOD because of it. I shouldn't second guess CrossFitters. A little blizzard doesn't stop them from working out. :)
The WOD didn't look too bad when I saw it online. It was the box jumps that I was iffy about.

From Paleo On The Go
The workout was named by Jarrett because that's how you feel when you go back to the box jumps. I felt that way.

"We Meet Again"
5 rounds for time:
  • 3 Deadlifts - 155lbs
  • 6 Abmat Sit-ups
  • 12 Bell Swings - 35lbs
  • 24 Box Jumps - 20"

I did everything unbroken except when it came to the 4th round of bell swings (lost control on 11) and all the box jumps. I think I broke them up into 6s. One round I was able to do 8s.

Finished the workout with 1 rope climb. I started from seated, went hands only about half way then used my legs. I hadn't tried rope climbs in quite a while. I'm happy I got one after a workout.

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